New Offers for Library Members this Quarter

New Offers for Library Members this Quarter

Many of you have already joined our new Library Membership Scheme. Every quarter we will bring additional benefits to all existing members – and any new members joining us. For Spring 2017:

GSE Research have generously made the following discounts on subscriptions available:

  1. FREE access to the best-selling The Dark Side – Critical Cases on the Downside of Business access list price £74.85. Ingenta Library Membership customers pay £0.00. SAVING £74.85
  2. Special offer on the Greenleaf Recent Online Archive 2010 – 2016. More than 250 volumes, including the 50 Do Shorts publications. List price £6740. Ingenta Library membership customers save more than 10% – special price £5995 outright ownership. MARC records supplied – no hosting fees – nothing more to pay, a saving £745.

Discounts on Advertising

As you may have noticed we run advertising on the home page of Ingenta Connect. Advertisements are strictly vetted and open ONLY to bona fide educational institutions promoting their courses, to our publishing partners and third parties with whom we have a special relationship, like Kudos and RedLink.

Ads run on a rolling carousel and are limited to four ads in any one month. Pricing is on a tenure basis and normally cost £250 per month. Institutions whose libraries belong to the Library Membership programme receive a 50% discount on each month’s placement. That’s only £125 to reach a potential audience of a million – that’s how many unique visitors we have every month. You may not want to promote your library’s services – but why not talk to your institution’s marketing department?

If you have any ideas for how the Library Membership Scheme could be improved, or any features you would like to see, please contact us – without your help, we can’t make it the service you’d like it to be!


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