Ingenta Connect Launches XML First and XML Last Typesetting Service

As you may recall from our last newsletter, XML (Extensible Markup Language) improves the functionality of the web by letting you identify your information in a more accurate, flexible, and adaptable way.

A lot of content is sent to us as PDF but content loading is swifter and more accurate if typesetting is done in XML. However, not all publishers use XML typesetting services.

Now we can offer XML typesetting services for our publishers in order to by-pass some of the usual objections to transitioning to the format. These challenges include sourcing appropriate typesetters, infrastructure and maintenance, disruption, and lack of in-house skills. Our goal is to make XML a more viable alternative for all our clients. We can now offer two options.

  1. XML-last conversion (PDF to XML)

In order to have the full benefits of Ingenta Connect we’d like full-text XML according to JATS DTD. We can create this for you from PDF files. We’ll convert your PDFs to XML with the following specs.

  • Conversion of PDF into XML according to the latest JATS DTD for journals and BITS DTD for books.
  • References fully linked through DOI.
  • Formulas (e.g. scientific papers) set in MathMl.
  • Large printing PDFs optimized for Web-viewing, creating faster load-times.

As this is a service, you will hold the rights to the converted data. We will send you a set of files and as part of the process your content can be uploaded direct to Ingenta Connect. If so desired, we can also upload to PubMed Central and other distribution points.

  1. XML-first production including submission systems

We can now also offer full XML-first production.

  • Configuration in English and hosting of JAWS Evolve submissions system
  • Technical copy editing
  • XML-first typesetting
  • Online proof and one round of corrections
  • Output in PDF (both printing as well as web-optimized)
  • Uploading to Ingenta Connect

    If you would like more information about our new XML typesetting services, including pricing, please contact your Account Manager!

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