New Features on ingentaconnect: TrendMD

by Jessica Snapke, MSLIS, Senior Account Manager, US
Library Bulletin, Autumn 2015

TrendMD is an innovative recommendation / referrals engine. Founded by BioMed Central’s former MD and founder Matthew Cockerill, TrendMD recommends over 9M scholarly articles to 2M readers per month and is continuing to grow.

We have been piloting Trend MD with Bristol University’s Policy Press since February, and the results have been very encouraging. Kim Eggleton, Journals Manager at Policy said: “Policy Press have found trialling TrendMD a very positive experience. The tool has brought new users to our content and increased traffic amongst our journals. We’ve found the team very helpful and we like that we can control the settings from our own dashboard. It’s also had a very positive response from our editorial teams.”

As of Autumn 2015 every ingentaconnect publisher will, if they wish, have TrendMD freely added to their service, and each will have access to their own section of the TrendMD dashboard indicating how their own journals are performing.

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