New Features on Ingenta Connect


TrendMD is a recommendation / referrals tool and acts very much like Amazon’s “if you liked that, you’ll also like this” smart recommendation engine. Founded by BioMed Central’s former MD and founder Matthew Cockerill, TrendMD recommends over 9M scholarly articles to 2M readers per month and is continuing to grow. Ingenta Connect piloted Trend MD with selected publishing partners throughout 2015, and the results were very encouraging.

“Policy Press have found trialling TrendMD a very positive experience. The tool has brought new users to our content and increased traffic amongst our journals.”

Kim Eggleton, Journals Manager at Policy Press, University of Bristol

Google Subscriber Links Program

Rolling out quarter, Ingenta Connect is implementing the Google Subscriber Links program.  Google Subscriber Links provide direct links through to the PDF for an article from Google’s search results pages when this is available online to a user via an institutional site licence.  Licence access is identified via IP address. In line with our convention with our British Library-indexed content, a coversheet will be added to each article with a link to the relevant journal and publisher pages on Ingenta Connect.

Google Subscriber Links work by us sending Google information about open access and subscribed content. Google can then add links from their search results pages directly to PDF pages on Ingenta Connect for all open access content and for content where a user or institution has subscription access. The result – easier discoverability and faster, more direct access to the content your patrons need, and to which your library has subscribed. The passing of subscriber data has been carried out with full permission and support of the publisher, of course, and Google limit subscription information that they hold to the related institutional IP address only. A publisher can ask us to stop sending previously available subscription information at any time and opt out of the service.  A feature of Library Membership will be to allow member libraries to do the same.


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