Upcoming and New

A three-year project, Ingenta Open will eventually see access to millions of Open Access articles, whether hosted within the platform’s own CMS, indexed on third party and other publisher content management systems, or archived in institutional repositories.

A major benefit for Open Access publishers – especially new university presses – is that the new platform will be linked to Ingenta Connect, with over 300 publishers, 10,000 books and journals, 25,000 registered institutions and millions of end users in over 170 countries, including China. With this ready-made reach, and linking and distribution agreements in place with over 350 partners, Ingenta Open provides the potential for OA and transitional publishers looking for hosting solutions to greatly increase downloads, author submissions and impact factors.


Ingenta Open as a Hosting platform

Ingenta Open offers a supported, highly cost-effective hosting solution for Open Access content, with annual hosting fees starting at under $800. A supported, serviced solution, publishers simply need to provide the files in an appropriate format – we do the rest. We’re implementing a range of bolt-on service options (e.g. social media marketing, print-on-demand and automated APC processing) which will be part of the value proposition. These added-value services will be introduced over the course of 2017. We’re also is talks with the DOAJ about a QA service for new OA publishers.


Ingenta Open as a Discovery Gateway

Currently Open Access content is indexed on a variety of services, including OAPEN, Science Open and DOAJ, of which we are sponsors. Much more OA content is stored in institutional repositories, putting it out of reach of the public or researchers not affiliated to that institution – so not truly “open” in terms of accessibility. Our plan is to index as many of these repositories as possible, giving researchers access to doctoral theses and other archived OA resources. We’ve already had promising initial talks with several institutions, including Harvard.  The vision is that Ingenta Open will eventually provide a single source for researchers, where as much OA content as possible is gathered together and searchable. The project milestones are below.

Ingenta Open - Project Timeline

To support the October launch we’re hosting Open Access discussion panels at Frankfurt (with guests Frances Pinter of Knowledge Unlatched, Carrie Calder, from Springer Nature and Phill Jones of Digital Science) and at Charleston (our guests in South Carolina are Charles Watkinson from University of Michigan Library, David Sommer from Kudos and Eileen Lawrence from Alexander Street Press).

 And at Frankfurt, we’re hosting a launch party at our stand (Hall 4.2 L35) on Thursday 20th at 16.30 – if you’re at FBF and passing, do join us!


For more information, contact byron.russell@ingenta.com


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