Ingenta Publisher News Bulletin – August 2018

Ingenta Publisher Bulletin

Welcome to the August Ingenta news update – the latest edition of our regular monthly bulletin that is designed to provide a quick-to-read summary of the latest developments here at Ingenta Connect, Ingenta Open and Ingenta CMS. In this month’s edition:

For questions about any aspects of our service to you, or any suggestions for new features or services, please contact your Account Manager or contact me, Head of Ingenta Connect –

Beijing International Book Fair Roundup

25 million people, six million cars – Beijing is a big place. But forget the stories you may have heard about smog – it is no smoggier than London – perhaps less so. It’s a very pleasant place to visit, despite the dense traffic, which makes mastery of the subway – all the signs are in English – something of a must if you want to go anywhere fast. I was there for the 25th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) along with around 25,000 professional visitors from 93 countries, 2,400 exhibitors and an estimated 300,000 visitors – more than Frankfurt. BIBF Beijing International Book Fair 2018

BIBF was, in fact, a biannual fair for the first few years of its existence and only became a yearly event in 2002. It is now Asia’s largest bookfair by far.

However, academic publishing from outside China is not much in evidence, which is, I feel, not an indicator of lack of interest – far from it. It’s more of an opportunity, with agents such as CNKI having huge stands in the Chinese section. The BIBF, as fair as western publishers are concerned, is more of a book trade fair with children’s publishing being the big growth area in China, which is the fifth largest rights market in the world.

Chinese academic publishing has traditionally been rather conservative and paper-based, but things are changing. The integration of emerging digital technologies with traditional publishing has led the fair organisers to introduce a Digital Zone which specializes in new media and artificial intelligence, an area the Chinese are particularly keen on. Translation technology is particularly advanced. Though Chinese children learn English as a first language at school, the number of Chinese who speak English to reasonable level is very limited (though not as limited as the number of westerners who can say anything more than ni hao in Mandarin). In terms of business communication, automated, accurate translation is seen as a major field of development.

BIBF 2018 stands

The Chinese stands: overwhelmingly large

The exhibitor list in the Digital Zone this year included some of the biggest names in their sectors such as Amazon Web Services, iReader, Tencent and Baidu, plus learning management systems and platforms such as Unipus. Most of the digital exhibitors were home grown; as with any business in China, relations, collaboration and partnerships with Chinese players are all-important, and take time to foster and develop. Nobody should go into the Chinese market expecting to make a fast buck, unless you have rights on a hot trade property. One English publisher I spoke to was celebrating sales of 65,000 copies of a novel – to which her Chinese colleague responded “65,000? That’s not much”. More impressive is Steve Jobs (CITIC Press) which sold 2.8 million copies, with 670,000 copies in the first month alone.

In China, everything is on a different scale. When asked for her advice on entering the Chinese market, Liying Lin, Director of the BIBF, said in an interview: “publishers should do their homework thoroughly. Come and visit BIBF; take advantage of the seminars and professional events that give newcomers an introduction to publishing in China; tour around bookshops in our tier-one and tier-two cities; and get to understand how the market works and how consumers think and behave. Understand too, the scale of the market, as you will need to make sure that your voice is heard above the crowd. Lastly it is vital to appreciate how consumers purchase; how they interact with brands and what they expect from them.” (Liying Li in Interview with Publishing Perspectives, August 2018).

Western publishers were mainly represented collective stands, though some (Wiley, Pearson, Sage, Brill, T&F and deGruyter) had their own. The UK collective had very few academic publishers (Emerald, Kogan Page) and those that were there focussed on books, rather than journals, and rights sales. Ingenta’s partners Charlesworth had a large stand of their own, as did – as you would expect – our Chinese partners CNPIEC and CEPIEC.

The UK is putting major efforts into the Chinese market; at the lavish reception hosted by the Publishers Association, the keynote speaker was UK Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox. But then UK publishers have always been interested in China – and are now reaping the benefits. As Grant Hartley, export sales director at Usborne, said in an interview with The Bookseller, “it’s possible to engage with more Chinese readers and consumers than ever before, and to convert that interaction into sales. In our focus on China, UK Publishers have been way ahead of any need created by Brexit.”

So, if you’re interested in a market of 2,000 universities and colleges, with more than six million students in higher education, maybe you should give next year’s BIBF a try. For more information on what Ingenta is doing in China, contact

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YEWNO – Transforming Information into Knowledge

We now live in an era where there is just too much information. It is virtually impossible for an individual to access all the information components made available by various sources and process the content. By the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. By then, our accumulated digital universe of data will grow from 4.4 zettabytes today to around 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes.

Yewno is an AI technology company focused on transforming information into knowledge. Founded in 2004 by Ruggero Gramatica and Ruth Pickering, Yewno’s technology was incubated at Stanford University with the aim to empower students and researchers to go further.

Yewno’s technology uses a blend of computational linguistics, graph theory and machine learning to extract knowledge from information. We have entered into the Knowledge Economy which leverages from the success of the last 50 years of Information Economy.

In order to understand context and meaning, Yewno works with top publishers and content curators to ingest their content from a multitude of cross-disciplinary sources, and it then extracts meaning by correlating concepts. In creating this unique technology Yewno has been able to produce three platforms:

Yewno Discover – a research tool that brings digital and information literacy to the forefront for students and researchers using concepts NOT keywords

Yewno Biomedical – a research tool specifically for medicine and life sciences. Yewno Biomedical gives researchers new opportunities in the study of complex biomedical systems.

Yewno UnEarth – a platform for publishers and content curators to generate a more granular understanding of their own content at topic, sub topic and concept level.

Yewno Discover

Yewno Discover is a next generation learning tool for exploring concepts and documents in a visual Knowledge Map. Here, researchers and students can refine their paper topics and see how ideas are connected. Yewno Discover compliments traditional search engines and offers an interactive way to engage students in creative research projects and inter-disciplinary assignments.

Yewno Discover helps researchers find precisely the right information they are searching for. This new kind of visual knowledge discovery tool literally reads over 200 million full-text articles and can guide users to the precise paragraph of information within this collection that is most valuable to their search. Top research institutions and national libraries are already using the tool, and we have ingested hundreds of millions of highly-esteemed academic and government content into the tool which is growing every day. To see how Yewno Discover works, click on the link below for a visual demonstration:

Yewno Biomedical

Yewno Biomedical gives researchers new opportunities in the study of complex biomedical systems. By forming connections that researchers may not have detected the “old-fashioned” way, it helps us venture into unexpected and novel lines of inquiry, paving the way for further investigation and innovation.

Yewno Biomedical’s Intelligent Framework is a true “next generation” research tool which models the behavior of complex bio-systems. It uses Computational Linguistics, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Graph Theory to provide insight into the world of biomedical work.

To see how Yewno’s BioMedical technology works, please watch this short video below from Dr. Dorian Bevec, renowned Molecular Biologist.

Yewno UnEarth

Yewno UnEarth enables content curators to get a more granular understanding and taxonomy from their own content corpus. By using a blend of computational linguistics, graph theory and machine learning, we are able to read the full-text of the content (journals, books, manuscripts, government data, patents, grants, etc.) to provide topics, sub-topics and concepts in a totally impartial way. Yewno UnEarth, together with the API’s can be used in a number of ways.

If you would like to see a working example of Yewno Discover, Yewno Biomedical, or Yewno UnEarth, talk about how you can ingest your content into Yewno or understand more about the APIs then please contact:

Manisha Bolina (Yewno) +44 (0)7734 926 352

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TOME – A New Initiative in the Field of Open Access Monographs

It’s always interesting to learn of new initiatives, especially in the field of open access publishing – and particularly in the field of open access monographs. One of the latest innovations was launched in the spring of 2017 by the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and Association of University Presses (AUPresses) in the US.

Entitled TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem) the initiative advances the wide dissemination of scholarship by humanities and humanistic social sciences faculty members through open access editions of peer-reviewed and professionally edited monographs. It is a measured and sustainable response to the challenge increasingly faced by scholars in the humanities, with a difficulty growing in finding publishers for their monographs, as academic library budgets shrink and demand for monographs falls.

In each year of the initial program, colleges and universities participating in TOME guarantee to provide at least three baseline publishing grants to support the publication of open access monographs. Publishers accepting these grants—for eligible books that have been approved through the usual editorial and peer-review processes—are making high-quality, platform-agnostic, digital editions freely available. A full list of the publishers currently accepting TOME grants is at If you are interested in participating, any of the officers listed below would be delighted to hear from you.

The TOME-supported monographs will make new research freely available online, increasing the presence of humanities and social science scholarship on the web and opening up knowledge to more readers.

TOME brings several key benefits to publishers and scholars and university libraries:

  • new research is made freely available online, thereby increasing the presence of humanities and social science scholarship on the web and opening up this content to more readers.
  • publishing costs are met by university-funded grants and other revenue sources. These publication grants enable open access publishing and send a strong signal to humanities and social sciences faculties that universities value and wish to promote their scholarship.
  • the expanded dissemination of scholarship within and beyond the academy advances the core mission of universities to create and transmit new knowledge for public benefit.

TOME can enable new digital affordances for these publications, such as the integration of multimedia with text and the application of annotation and commenting tools.

The universities and colleges directly participating in TOME incorporate three components into their digital monograph publishing programs:

  • Provide a baseline university publishing grant of $15,000 to support the publication of an open access monograph of 90,000 words or less (with additional funding for works of greater length or complexity to be negotiated by the author, institution, and publisher).
  • Set a target of awarding at least three publishing grants per year.
  • Commit to participating in TOME for five years.

So far, the following institutions – with responsible officers listed – have committed to participate:

Duke University, Deborah Jakubs, Rita DiGiallonardo, Holloway University Librarian
Emory University, Michael Elliott, Interim Dean, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of English
Indiana University Bloomington, Carolyn Walters, Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries
Michigan State University, Christopher P. Long, Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
New York University, Carol Mandel, Dean of the Division of Libraries
The Ohio State University, Damon E. Jaggars, Vice Provost and Director of University Libraries
Penn State University, Patrick Alexander, Director of the Penn State University Press
University at Buffalo, SUNY, H. Austin Booth, Vice Provost for University Libraries
University of California, Davis, MacKenzie Smith, University Librarian
University of California, Los Angeles, Virginia Steel, University Librarian
University of Cincinnati, Xuemao Wang, Dean and University Librarian, and Elizabeth Scarpelli, Director of the University of Cincinnati Press
University of Michigan, James Hilton, University Librarian, Dean of Libraries, and Vice Provost for Academic Innovation
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Wendy Lougee, University Librarian and McKnight Presidential Professor
Virginia Tech, Tyler Walters, Dean, University Libraries and Professor

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EAGE to launch new site on Ingenta CMS

Ingenta is delighted to announce a new partnership with The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) who have selected Ingenta CMS to provide a discovery and delivery platform for all EAGE publications.

The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is a global professional, not-for-profit association for geoscientists and engineers with approximately 19,000 members worldwide. It provides a global network of commercial and academic professionals to all members, promoting the development and application of geosciences and related engineering subjects, innovation and technical progress in the field. EAGE boasts six scientific journals, appealing to all facets of EAGE’s multidisciplinary membership base.

Rowland Conway, Product Director at Ingenta said:

“I am really excited to be working with EAGE and proud of earning their trust to deliver a modern, feature rich user experience and facilitate much greater discoverability of their journals and conference proceedings. Ingenta CMS offers an extremely powerful yet cost effective and easy to manage publishing platform which will enable EAGE and their researchers to unlock their full potential.”

Ingenta CMS is Ingenta’s premier publishing platform, empowering publishers to unlock the full potential of their content. Offering a fresh, easy to use responsive design, advanced researcher tools and powerful discovery, Ingenta CMS really enables publishers to build a cohesive online presence. One of Ingenta CMS’s key strengths is the ability to integrate all types of content; allowing for diverse sets of content to be found and delivered seamlessly in one place.

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Free Upcoming Webinars

We wish to thank Manisha Bolina for her excellent webinar on content discoverability using AI technology, on August 15th. The webinar recording is now available on the Ingenta YouTube channel. Watch: Yewno: Increasing content discoverability using AI technology.

Webinar Schedule: September to December 2018

(all webinars start at 3 p.m. UK time)

  • RedLink Publisher Dashboard (12th September)

RedLink provides powerful usage data visualization tools for publishers and librarians, and has launched RedLink Network, a public benefit company that helps both publishers and librarians deliver secure access to subscribed content more efficiently and reliably. Today’s webinar demonstrates how RedLink’s Publisher Dashboard can help maximise revenues and monitor sales and downloads.
Guest PresenterNicola Poser is Managing Director at Redlink, Inc. Prior to joining the company in 2016 she held senior management positions at The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • AllrightsOnline: An introduction to Licencing (3rd October)

Licencing is one of the most powerful tools at a publisher’s disposal, but also one of the most complex and – potentially – the most daunting. This webinar looks at the legal ins and outs of content licensing, how to avoid common pitfalls and engineer the best possible deals for you as publishers and for your authors.
Guest PresenterBerendina van Straalen, a certified mediator in copyright issues. She has a longstanding working experience as a researcher, translator, editor and manager of subsidiary rights within the publishing industry. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • Open Access (14th November)

On the surface, Open Access should be straightforward. Everything is free and can be used, reused and share – or can it? And if this is the case, how can it be sustainable as a business model? Our guest presenter is one of Europe’s leading experts on the OA ecosystem. An unmissable session for anyone interested in the OA publishing, or flipping to an OA model.
Guest Presenter: Eelco Ferwerda, director of OAPEN. He has been active in the area of open access for monographs since 2008, when he started managing OAPEN as EU co-funded project with 6 European university presses. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • The what, why and how of DOIs (12th December)

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are special strings of alphanumeric characters that form a persistent link to individual publications. They are issued at the time of publication, much like an ISBN or a serial number. DOIs are bound to metadata about the content object, such as a URL, indicating where it can be found. But what is their real value, and why should you, as a publisher, engage with them?

Guest PresenterRachael Lammey, Head of Community Outreach at CrossRef Rachael worked as publishing manager with Taylor & Francis before joining Crossref in 2012. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.


The next Ingenta Publisher’s Bulletin will be out in late September with feedback and news from COASP – the 10th conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing and some important Frankfurt Book Fair information.

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