Ingenta Publisher News Bulletin – July 2018

Ingenta Publisher Bulletin

Hello and Welcome to the July Ingenta news update – the latest edition of our new, regular bulletin that’s designed to provide a quick-to-read summary of the latest developments here at Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open. I this month edition:

For any questions you have about any aspects of our service to you, or any suggestions for new features or services, please contact your account manager or contact me –


We can now accept and display ORCID iDs. What are they exactly? The ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-proprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify academic authors and contributors. 

ORCIDORCID iD address the problem that a particular author’s contributions to scholarly literature can be hard to recognize as most personal names are not unique; they can change, there may be cultural differences in name order, contain inconsistent use of first-name abbreviations and employ different writing systems.

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes every researcher from each other and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between the researcher / author and their professional activities, ensuring that their work and authorship is properly acknowledged and recognized.

If ORCID iDs are included in the metadata you send to us, they can be displayed alongside the author’s name. At present ORCID iDs are not featured in Ingenta Connect’s search facility, but this will be a future development.

If you would like to know more about ORCID iDs and how they can enhance your authors’ impact take a look at the video presentation

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New Content Tracker

Content Tracker-AdministrationContent Tracker is a tool that allows you to monitor when your publications are loaded on Ingenta Connect and distributed to Third Parties (if applicable). All our publishing partners have access via their Administration page.

Just log in to Ingenta Connect using your administrator password. This will display the Publisher Administration page. On opening Content Tracker, you will see a table open displaying what issues have been processed in the last month and where they are in the content processing workflow. Other options include the ability to see issues processed in the last 3 months and view the history of an issue.

Clicking on a Journal title will take you to a Title and Issue Information page for the title and will give a list of all the issues, while clicking on a Volume number will take you to an Issue Sent Information page for that volume. This will give a list of all the issues for that Volume and lists all the parties that the issue details have been sent to, and when they were sent.

The Content Tracker will be further refined as a result of user feedback over coming months. If you would like to have your say and comment on the Content Tracker we’d love to hear from you – just mail your account manager.

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RedLink Publisher Dashboard

We’ve long been working with the team at RedLink and their exciting Library Dashboard service, which enables participating libraries to track multiple usage metrics connected to multiple publishers, get a complete overview of usage and denial statistics, and find the best content from best publishers.

Now available at preferential pricing for all publishers hosted on Ingenta Connect is RedLink’s Publisher Dashboard, which is an incredibly useful tool for editorial and sales teams. By identifying key trends such as turnaways, Publisher Dashboard makes it a great deal easier to spot where usage has changed and content gaps exist.

It’s easy to customize and save reports by a broad range of options, such as (for example) institutional customer, region, or sales agency. You can then use this market intelligence to increase sales and revenues, and identify potential areas for new publications.

Publisher Dashboard can work alongside or in place of CRM tools. And as it’s specifically designed with academic publishers in mind, there are no redundant CRM tools that you don’t need (but still have to pay for).

If you’d like to learn more go to RedLink’s product pages or – better still – come to our webinar on RedLink’s Dashboard on Sept 12. Read more and Register for the FREE webinar.

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Google’s Universal CASA service

Shortly after you read this, Ingenta Connect will be introducing Google Scholar’s new Universal Campus Activated Subscriber Access service. Universal CASA, as it is known, will empower researchers to access their subscribed content from anywhere, on any device.

Universal CASA sidesteps the difficulty of off-campus access to scholarly content. No longer do researchers have to remain on site to access contents to which they have access rights. Instead, content published on Ingenta Connect will be accessible anywhere the researcher is working – a conference, for example, or remote lab – and on any device, including smartphones and tablets. This will significantly improve the flexibility and efficiency of research, potentially enabling swifter publication of results.

Universal CASA introduces a new, small badge to let the reader know they have access to a specific article. The badge displays on each article page and includes a help link that lets users learn more about CASA based links, or even remove them if so desired.

Anurag Acharya, co-creator of Google Scholar, explains: “The initial rollout of CASA has been hugely successful – because, quite simply, it just works. For the first time researchers could start a literature survey on campus and resume where they left off once they were home, or travelling, with no hoops to jump through. Universal CASA builds on that success by making it effortless for researchers to access content, no matter where the journey begins.

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The OECD – the Latest Publisher on the Ingenta CMS Platform

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. The OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); It features its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data.

OECDwebpageStatistics and detailed analysis cover vital economic areas such as agriculture and food, education, employment, finance and Investment and science. Now fully available on the Ingenta CMS platform, one of the site’s key features is the wide range of content types supported. The OECD iLibrary on Ingenta CMS presents all content so users can find – and cite – tables and databases as easily as articles or chapters in any available format: PDF, WEB, XLS, DATA, ePUB, READ. All book and journal content is available to all users to read online by clicking the READ icon. Read editions are optimised for browser-enabled mobile devices and can be read online wherever there is an internet connection – desktop computer, tablets or smart phones. They are also shareable and embeddable. The range of content is staggering:
• 11 710 ebook titles
• 60 300 chapters
• 175 500 tables and graphs
• 6 800 articles
• 5 535 multilingual summaries
• 5 600 working papers
• 5 billion data points across 42 databases

To learn more about our class-leading content management solution, please visit the Ingenta CMS webpage.

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Free Webinars (all start at 3 p.m. UK time)

Our sincere thanks to Alistair McNaught from JISC for his excellent webinar on Accessibility on June 13th. Watch the webinar recording of Accessibility and Your Content.
Webinar Schedule: August to December 2018 (all at 3 p.m. UK time)

  • Yewno: Increasing content discoverability using AI technology (15th August)

Yewno Unearth looks across entire collections, helping expose the full value within holdings. The system creates a topical hierarchy and automatically updates whenever new concepts are introduced, enabling incredibly powerful AI-driven searching for researchers and library patrons.
Guest PresenterManisha Bolina is Senior Sales Manager, Europe – Yewno. She has extensive experience in the STM scholarly publishing industry, having held senior positions within BioOne and Publishers Communications Group. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • RedLink Publisher Dashboard (12th September)

RedLink provides powerful usage data visualization tools for publishers and librarians, and has launched RedLink Network, a public benefit company that helps both publishers and librarians deliver secure access to subscribed content more efficiently and reliably. Today’s webinar demonstrates how RedLink’s Publisher Dashboard can help maximise revenues and monitor sales and downloads.
Guest PresenterNicola Poser is Managing Director at Redlink, Inc. Prior to joining the company in 2016 she held senior management positions at The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • AllrightsOnline: An introduction to Licencing (3rd October)

Licencing is one of the most powerful tools at a publisher’s disposal, but also one of the most complex and – potentially – the most daunting. This webinar looks at the legal ins and outs of content licensing, how to avoid common pitfalls and engineer the best possible deals for you as publishers and for your authors.
Guest PresenterBerendina van Straalen, a certified mediator in copyright issues. She has a longstanding working experience as a researcher, translator, editor and manager of subsidiary rights within the publishing industry. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • Open Access (14th November)

On the surface, Open Access should be straightforward. Everything is free and can be used, reused and share – or can it? And if this is the case, how can it be sustainable as a business model? Our guest presenter is one of Europe’s leading experts on the OA ecosystem. An unmissable session for anyone interested in the OA publishing, or flipping to an OA model.
Guest Presenter: Eelco Ferwerda, director of OAPEN. He has been active in the area of open access for monographs since 2008, when he started managing OAPEN as EU co-funded project with 6 European university pressesREGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

  • The what, why and how of DOIs (12th December)

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are special strings of alphanumeric characters that form a persistent link to individual publications. They are issued at the time of publication, much like an ISBN or a serial number. DOIs are bound to metadata about the content object, such as a URL, indicating where it can be found. But what is their real value, and why should you, as a publisher, engage with them?

Guest PresenterRachael Lammey, Head of Community Outreach at CrossRef Rachael worked as publishing manager with Taylor & Francis before joining Crossref in 2012. REGISTER FOR WEBINAR HERE.

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The next edition of the Ingenta publisher’s newsletter will be out in late August with feedback – and news – from the 2018 Beijing Book Fair. In the meantime we all wish you a relaxing summer.

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