Library Bulletin summer 2016

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Welcome to the Summer 2016 Ingenta Connect library newsletter:

In this issue we focus on COUNTER; we have an interview with Lorraine Estelle about the latest developments at COUNTER and an announcement about the launch of the new Ingenta Connect Membership scheme, coming later this year.

We round off this issue with the regular sections focusing on specific areas of study and research, this time the GSE collections, new publishers which have joined the service and offer the regular list of key upcoming information industry events and global library conferences.

        – Paul Overend, Editor


What’s New at Counter?

It’s a year since we last interviewed Lorraine Estelle, COUNTER Project Director. It’s been a busy twelve months, with a number of new initiatives and, of course, COUNTER 5 in the pipeline. What’s been happening? Ingenta Connect’s Byron Russell talked to Lorraine to find out. Read more….


 Library Membership Programme

The major new feature for this quarter is the launch of our Library Membership Programme. You’ll already have seen the banners

on the Ingenta Connect home page. Now read more here…


Focus on….

Every edition of the Library Bulletin throws the spotlight on a particular are of study, highlighting notable publishers hosted on the Ingenta Connect platform. In this issue we focus on Law – we have seventy leading legal publications on Ingenta Connect.

Check them out – and maybe discover something new – here


New Publishers on Ingenta Connect

Look out for these three great new publishers on ingenta Connect. Read more here…


Forthcoming Events

Byron Russell and Janet Fisher have both had session proposals accepted at the Charleston library conference 2016.

We’ll also be present at a number of other events over the coming months and we hope to see many of you there. Read more here

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