Library Bulletin, Autumn 2015
ingentaconnect welcomes the following publishers to the platform:
Berrett-Koehler is an independent publisher dedicated to connecting people and ideas, with a range of innovative book titles that challenge conventional thinking, introduce new concepts, and foster positive change. Making the most of ingentaconnect’s Collections service, Berrett-Koehler is hosting over 1500 book titles with us, including titles such as Change the Story, Change the Future and Transformative Scenario Planning.
Ashgate Publishing
Ashgate has grown to become one of the world’s leading publishing houses. On ingentaconnect, Ashgate is are pleased to make available the journal Crusades on behalf of The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East.
Henry Stewart
Henry Stewart Publications is a leading publisher of vocational journals that support employability and career development. It specialises in journals which combine contributions from senior practitioners and respected consultancies with applied research from leading academics in the field.
Association of Architectural Educators
The association of architectural educators (aae) aims to develop, support and represent communities of practice and learning in architectural education in the U.K. and Ireland and to foster inclusive dialogues between the aae community, students and employers, and educational and professional bodies.
National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (coming soon)
NAPICU is based in Scotland and is committed to developing and promoting the specialty of psychiatric intensive care and low secure services. Dedicated to improving patient experience and outcome, NAPICU offer staff support and development and promote research, education and practice development via their Journal (soon to be on ingentaconnect) quarterly events and member newsletter.
Montezuma Publishing (coming soon)
Montezuma Publishing has been a recognized leader in the custom course reader market for over 30 years. A not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving the undergraduate and graduate students of San Diego State University, Montezuma also work to provide course readers to dozens of other colleges and universities.
For a complete list of publishers on ingentaconnect, click here.