New Features on ingentaconnect: Altmetric and Responsive Design

by Byron Russell, Head of ingentaconnect
Library Bulletin, Summer 2015


Every day, thousands of scholarly papers are being discovered, discussed and shared. Altmetric is an easy-to-read tool that tracks what people are saying about papers online on behalf of publishers, authors, libraries and institutions. Through a recent agreement with Altmetric (part of the Digital Science Group) any publisher on ingentaconnect can benefit from the incorporation of the altmetrics widget – an instantly-recognisable multi-coloured “doughnut” – on an article home screen, indicating in relative terms just how popular the article has been in social and general media. For more information, visit

Responsive Web Design: 

If you have recently tried to access ingentaconnect on a smartphone or tablet, you’ll notice quite a difference in the past month. Responsive web design is aimed at creating sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with minimal resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices from a full sized desktop to a palm-sized mobile. No effort is needed n the part of the user – the site recognises the device in use and re-formats accordingly, using icons in place of instructional text to make the most of the screen size available. If you have a tablet or smartphone, look up and give it a go!

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