Ingenta Connect Unity offers the features and capabilities of Ingenta Connect delivered through your own website. This option provides publishers with the powerful tools and built-in audience of our leading content aggregation platform and an external-facing environment that aligns with your unique brand. It’s an easily implemented and cost-effective solution for publishers who want a dedicated online sales presence without the expense and overhead of a custom interface and design.
Incorporate your logo, fonts, and colors onto navigation bars, buttons, fonts, and other elements in the header, sidebar, and footer. There is also an array of templates to choose from, which have been designed to incorporate proven best practices and optimal UX for publisher websites. All templates feature responsive web design as standard, providing an intuitive, user-friendly reading and discovery experience with an optimized display for mobile and tablet devices.
Ingenta Connect Unity does away with the need for months of planning for the design, technologies, and system integrations. Setting up your site is straightforward and comes with the expert support of Ingenta’s experienced professionals.
Instead of being redirected to a completely separate site to purchase your content, customers experience a continuous online experience thanks to a look and feel that aligns with your existing brand. By offering an online subscription, issue, and article sales through your site, as well as an optional single sign-on between a society membership area and Connect, you can also generate new revenue streams.
Ingenta Connect Unity provides the enhanced discoverability, ecommerce and content management tools, analytics, and reach of Ingenta Connect within a branded framework. Learn more about the features of Ingenta Connect.
Launch your own site for publishing and selling your content quickly and cost-effectively on a platform with a built-in audience of millions. Contact us to book a demo or to receive more information.
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